SRS Aashirwad Nidhi Ltd, a Public Limited Company registered under the provisions of section 406 (1) of the Companies Act 2013 and notified as Nidhi Company (NBFC) by Government of India . The main object of the Company is to encourage and afford all facilities for cultivating thrift, saving habits and to render all financial assistance to its members by receiving long and short term deposits and in particular recurring,fixed,saving and other deposits and to lend or advance monies to its members for their mutual benefit..
Savings money habit will improve the quality of life and will help you to feel better and to sleep better.One will be happier knowings he/she has some money aside for unexpected expenses and look forward to achieve some of their dreams.....
A term deposit is a cash investment held at a financial institution. Your money is invested for an agreed rate of interest over a fixed amount of time, or term. Term deposits can be invested into our company, building society or credit union....
With attractive schemes, easy repayment options and lowest interest rates, SRS Ashirwad Nidhi Limited, one of the leading Nidhi Companies in Delhi offers a hassle-free experience to avail Loan.....
Fixed Deposit is a low-risk financial instrument that helps investors to grow savings at a fixed rate of interest, which is higher than the interest rates offered by savings accounts.
RD account is a special kind of Term Deposit offered by MGNL which help members with regular incomes to deposit a fixed amount in every month into their RD account and earn interest at the rate applicable.
SRS Aashirwad Nidhi Ltd, a Public Limited Company registered under the provisions of section 406 (1) of the Companies Act 2013 and notified as Nidhi Company (NBFC) by Government of India .
With attractive schemes, easy repayment options and lowest interest rates,
With attractive schemes, easy repayment options and lowest interest rates
Global Banking has Changed rapidly and SRS Aashirwad Nidhi Ltd has worked hard to adapt to these changes. SRS Aashirwad Nidhi Ltd looks forward to the future with excitement and a commitment to bring greater benefits to our members. We focus on quality,delightful experience for our customers and drive innovation with best in class services and products.
“Nidhi Companies belong to the Non-banking financial companies structure. Registering a Nidhi Company allows a Nidhi to borrow from its members and lend to the members.”
“ Nidhi Companies belong to the Non-banking financial companies structure. Registering a Nidhi Company allows a Nidhi to borrow from its members and lend to the members.”
Nidhi Companies belong to the Non-banking financial companies structure. Registering a Nidhi Company allows a Nidhi to borrow from its members and lend to the members.